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Torneo "Amistad Salto - Paysandu"

Last update 13.12.2017 13:16:41, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

Starting rank list of players

4NMOddone Cristhian3001334URU2268Paysandu
6Ramirez Jesus Adan3000192URU2117Salto
8Tregarthen Emiliano3000974URU2076Paysandu
1Garcia Martinez Alvaro3000435URU2031Salto
5Ulaneo Matias3001040URU2031Paysandu
2Ferrari Marcos3009912URU1841Salto
3Maristan Agustin3007170URU1798Paysandu
7Leon Maximiliano3002357URU1693Salto