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Open de Portugal 2018

Last update 12.02.2018 16:23:20, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

Player overview for NOR

42IMMihajlov Sebastian2378NOR11½½1½½½05,548108,10Open de Portugal2018
55FMRisting Eivind Olav2308NOR110101½1½641204,20Open de Portugal2018
78FMRanaldi Lucas2213NOR101101½½½5,557206,80Open de Portugal2018
86CMSousa Ludy Helsio Paulo2165NOR10101011½5,5632016,40Open de Portugal2018
123Mikalsen Harald2026NOR101½01½004156202,60Open de Portugal2018

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrFEDRtg No.
IMMihajlov SebastianU20NOR2378 0 - 1 GMNevednichy VladislavROU2551
FMRisting Eivind OlavU18NOR2308 ½ - ½ GMKanarek MarcelPOL2512
FMYurtseven MelihTUR24155 ½ - ½5 CMSousa Ludy Helsio PauloNOR2165
Romano Joao Manuel PereiraPOR19615 ½ - ½5 FMRanaldi LucasU18NOR2213
Mikalsen HaraldNOR20264 0 not paired  

Player details for NOR

IM Mihajlov Sebastian 2378 NOR Rp:2402 Pts. 5,5
1174Machado Tomas Dias1852POR4w 10,920,08100,80
2112Martins Andre Gomes Brito2068POR5s 10,860,14101,40
311IMSantos Latasa Jaime2546ESP7w ½0,280,22102,20
428IMCawdery Daniel2446RSA3,5s ½0,410,09100,90
5145Romano Joao Manuel Pereira1961POR5,5w 10,920,08100,80
619GMGalego Luis2481POR6s ½0,360,14101,40
718IMDiermair Andreas2495AUT7w ½0,340,16101,60
817GMGabrielian Artur2502RUS6,5s ½0,330,17101,70
99GMNevednichy Vladislav2551ROU6,5w 00,27-0,2710-2,70
FM Risting Eivind Olav 2308 NOR Rp:2279 Pts. 6
1188Guerreiro Paulo Jorge Leitao1796POR3,5w 10,920,08201,60
2130Cavaleiro Daniel Filipe Costa2010POR4,5s 10,850,15203,00
326IMSavanovic Aleksandar2448BIH6w 00,31-0,3120-6,20
4124Dumont Andre2019BEL3,5s 10,840,16203,20
521IMNagy Gabor2469HUN7w 00,29-0,2920-5,80
697NMReis Luis Sousa2141POR5s 10,720,28205,60
7178Gorny Michael1836GER5,5w ½0,92-0,4220-8,40
892Ferreira Hugo Miguel Da Costa2158POR5,5s 10,700,30206,00
915GMKanarek Marcel2512POL6w ½0,240,26205,20
FM Ranaldi Lucas 2213 NOR Rp:2165 Pts. 5,5
1210Rodrigues Tiago Nobre1683POR3,5s 10,920,08201,60
214IMRepka Christopher2513SVK7w 00,15-0,1520-3,00
3150Hoebarth Guenter1931AUT4,5s 10,840,16203,20
4242Goncalves Samuel Jesus1469POR5w 10,920,08201,60
537IMBulmaga Irina2411ROU6,5s 00,24-0,2420-4,80
6149Carpentier Jannes1933BEL4w 10,840,16203,20
735IMRadovanovic Mihajlo2422SRB5,5s ½0,230,27205,40
832IMGomez Ledo Roberto Carlos2442CUB6w ½0,210,29205,80
9145Romano Joao Manuel Pereira1961POR5,5s ½0,81-0,3120-6,20
CM Sousa Ludy Helsio Paulo 2165 NOR Rp:2215 Pts. 5,5
1219Gaudin Bruno1635FRA2,5s 10,920,08201,60
222IMKaczur Florian2459HUN6,5w 00,15-0,1520-3,00
3156WCMSilva Mariana Sofia Teixeira1901POR4,5s 10,820,18203,60
435IMRadovanovic Mihajlo2422SRB5,5w 00,18-0,1820-3,60
5148Candeias Humberto Manuel1935POR4s 10,790,21204,20
69GMNevednichy Vladislav2551ROU6,5s 00,09-0,0920-1,80
7144Pelaez Murias Eduardo1961ESP4,5w 10,760,24204,80
8147Vanden Bussche Steven1940BEL4w 10,780,22204,40
936FMYurtseven Melih2415TUR5,5s ½0,190,31206,20
Mikalsen Harald 2026 NOR Rp:1926 Pts. 4
1261Canelas Miguel Amaral Beja1172POR1w 10,920,08201,60
252IMBoricsev Oleg2328HUN6s 00,15-0,1520-3,00
3249Voges Guilherme Lopes Jesus1384POR3w 10,920,08201,60
4-not paired- --- ½
585Costa Paulo Jorge Lopes2175POR5s 00,30-0,3020-6,00
6166Silva Ana Ines Teixeira Da1873POR4,5s 10,700,30206,00
756FMDing Tze How Dilwen2306MAS4,5w ½0,160,34206,80
871Corbalan Gomez Juan Jose2245ESP5,5w 00,22-0,2220-4,40
9-not paired- --- 0