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16th 4NCL Congress Open

Last update 05.11.2017 20:29:22, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk. NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.
IMMerry Alan B2422 35w1 20b1 15w1 8b1 5w½4,5
IMAdair James R2479 26w1 15b0 31w1 33b1 12w14
IMGreet Andrew N2460 27w1 18b0 30w1 16b1 13w14
GMWilliams Simon K2437 22w1 43b1 5w½ 12b½ 18b14
FMSowray Peter J2322 50b1 40w1 4b½ 9w1 1b½4
GMTurner Matthew J2545 48w1 25b1 13w½ 10b½3,5
GMHebden Mark L2460 20b0 53w1 23b1 21w½ 15b13,5
IMTan Justin Hy2453 21b1 24w1 13b½ 1w0 25w13,5
GMArkell Keith C2423 23b½ 28w1 18w1 5b0 27w13,5
GMArakhamia-Grant Ketevan E2369 31w½ 44b1 19w½ 26b1 6w½3,5
Hynes Am (tony)2150 51w½ 36b½ 38w1 31b13,5
IMRoberson Peter T2403 36b½ 38w1 46b1 4w½ 2b03
FMMcphillips Joseph2401 29w1 30b1 8w½ 6b½ 3b03
IMBates Richard A2397 30b0 35w0 45b1 39w1 32w13
FMJackson James P2304 45w1 2w1 1b0 19b1 7w03
FMRichardson John R2252 46b½ 39w1 37b1 3w0 21b½3
Roe Simon J2235 31b0 52b1 37w½ 35w13
FMBritton Richard L2221 55w1 3w1 9b0 20b1 4w03
Mason Donald J2125 53b½ 32w1 10b½ 15w0 36b13
WFMLongson Sarah N2102 7w1 1w0 51b1 18w0 37b13
Jarmany John2095 8w0 55b1 49w1 7b½ 16w½3
CMColeman David J2093 4b0 52w0 55b1 40w1 42w13
Burrows Martin P2085 9w½ 42b½ 7w0 53b1 33w13
Hand Freddie2192 52w1 8b0 42w½ 31b0 49b12,5
Willow Jonah B2144 47b1 6w0 48w1 8b02,5
Lam Paul Gm2117 2b0 50w1 40b1 10w0 28b½2,5
White Stuart A2098 3b0 45w1 48b½ 46w1 9b02,5
Verma Aditya2071 9b0 53w½ 52b1 26w½2,5
Koehn Lennart2069 13b0 33b0 41w1 49w½ 46b12,5
Lentzos Ioannis2021 14w1 13w0 3b0 34b½ 48w12,5
Yoon Jacob D2009 10b½ 17w1 2b0 24w1 11w02,5
Rahulan Thivyaa1737 19b0 44w1 43w1 14b02,5
Grieve Harry2221 40b0 29w1 35b1 2w0 23b02
Asenov Pavel2197 46w0 39b½ 30w½ 38b½2
Okhai Shabir2075 1b0 14b1 33w0 51w1 17b02
Moore Gerald2071 12w½ 49b½ 11w½ 42b½ 19w02
Varney Zoe2042 41b1 16w0 17b½ 20w02
French Max1991 12b0 47w1 11b0 34w½2
Modi Shyam Jagdish1938 16b0 34w½ 14b0 52w12
Rushbrooke Remy1788 33w1 5b0 26w0 22b0 53w12
Jukes Sam1745 43b0 37w0 29b0 55w1 57w12
Akeya-Price Robert A1686 23w½ 24b½ 36w½ 22b02
WFMRichmond Jane2124 41w1 4w0 32b0 -01,5
Munshi Aditya1986 10w0 32b0 50w½ 47b½1,5
WCMCamp Imogen Al1855 15b0 27b0 14w0 47w½ 55b11,5
Han Yichen1835 16w½ 34b1 12w0 27b0 29w01,5
Modi Kishan J1772 25w0 38b0 45b½ 44w½1,5
Patel Devan1560 56w1 6b0 27w½ 25b0 30b01,5
Ther Mate1549 36w½ 21b0 29b½ 24w01,5
Bourne Johnathan D1954 5w0 26b0 44b½ -01
Kapoor Gurveen1787 11b½ 20w0 35b0 -01
Gonem Sherif1785 24b0 22b1 17w0 28w0 39b01
Phillips David1784 19w½ 7b0 28b½ 23w0 40b01
FMSreeves Clement2405 -0 -0 -0 -00,5
Metcalfe Charlie P1790 18b0 21w0 22w0 41b0 45w00
Tandon Rohan0 48b0 -0 -0 -0 -00
Makkar Jitender1527 -0 -0 -0 -0 41b00