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Mistrovství Moravskoslezského kraje v rapid šachu mládeže 2017 - U18 Ostrava 17.11.2017

Last update 17.11.2017 15:49:15, Creator: Vladimir Talla - international arbiter,Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4Neumann Filip375640CZE18911866Sk Slavia Orlova
6Gemsa Pavel356409CZE18071814Sk Tj Dolni Benesov
7Oborny Tomas23703245CZE15741623Tj Ostrava
1Gemsova Tereza366579CZE15261552Sk Tj Dolni Benesov
8Busos Daniel385573CZE14911509Lokomotiva Krnov
5Kohut Pavel386049CZE14871497Lokomotiva Krnov
2Havel Kristian395382CZE14481497Slezan Opava
3Vesely Jiri23706651CZE11891364Lokomotiva Krnov