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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE - GM XI-2017

Last update 30.11.2017 02:08:26, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

8FMVardan Nagpal25089544IND2510
7IMGolubov Saveliy24176729RUS2501
3GMPavlovic Milos900389SRB2472
2GMPikula Dejan906379SRB2457
1IMSaptarshi Roy5008980IND2449
9GMNikcevic Nebojsa901776MNE2423
4Bick Gabriel2084058USA2399
6FMKumar Nikhil30909040USA2274
5FMCan Isik6383742TUR2265
10WFMOkuyaz Duru6346022TUR2238