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PHS. Klassika FIDE october 2017

Last update 30.10.2017 10:53:42, Creator/Last Upload: Moiseev Sergey

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Starting rank

1Ratataev Ilya44127669RUS1474
2Sauri Georgy34188328RUS1403
3Гизунов Степан54161843RUS1367
4Kurinov Yuriy44175647RUS1262
5Silenko Alexey34275363RUS1005
6Lukashin Alexander24272205RUS0
7Yakubovich Viktor34182206RUS1020
8Filatov Artem54199271RUS1143
9Cherkashin Aleksandr24280976RUS1066
10Mitushov Dmitri44173997RUS1125
11Minko Aleksandr54176654RUS1330
12Mazurov Andrey54167892RUS1122
13Pimenova AnastasiaRUS0
14Schepanyuk Artem34234519RUS1180
15Balukov VladimirRUS0
16Petkun LukaRUS0
17Petkun TihonRUS0
18Mityushov Kirill24289205RUS0
19Kurtanidze ZhanettRUS0
20Patruha MakarRUS0
21Erokhin VadimRUS0