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3. Memorijal Selimira Manojlovica 2017

Last update 22.11.2017 13:50:07, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

7GMBogosavljevic Boban931152SRB2509
9GMStojanovic Mihajlo916366SRB2493
1GMKosic Dragan900290MNE2475
6IMMazur Stefan14909332SVK2464
5IMOstojic Nikola904287SRB2443
4IMRadovanovic Nikola900087SRB2423
8FMIrizanin Radoje932957SRB2394
2IMRadovanovic Mihajlo940313SRB2375
3IMAtakisi Umut6301037TUR2366
10FMYurtseven Melih6312160TUR2366