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XIII Juegos Nacionales para Limitados Visuales Ajedrez CLASICO Masculino

Last update 17.11.2017 06:45:37, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Daza Fernando4413610CAU1866Cauca
2Torres Saulo De Jesus4403622RIS1860Risaralda
3Castillo Perez Jaider Enrique4447549CES1763Cesar
4Acosta Cruz Luis Ivan4411498SAN1753Santander
5Sanchez Carlos Andres4430298RIS1751Risaralda
6Munoz Mauricio4433467VAL1740Valle
7Franco Perez William4418344NS1676Norte de Santander
8Rosales Jhon Mike4471806VAL1614Valle
9Sierra Henry Alberto4460570SAN1551Santander
10Acevedo Fausto4455509VAL1499Valle
11Martinez Quintero Javier4479327ATL1750Valle
12Alvarez Juan Evangelista4437900HUI1687Cauca
13Alba German David4466390BOG1674Bogota
14Castillo Jesus4479300SAN1605Santander
15Martinez Romero Elkin Bladimi4447646ATL1600Atlantico
16Ortiz Junco Luis Carlos4455533ATL1596Atlantico
17Chacon Guzman Kevin Stiwar4479319BOG0Bogota
18Nunez Palma Diego Fernando4479335TOL0Tolima
19Pena Castro Francisco4479343TOL0Tolima