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 FIDE Grand Prix Series. Palma 2017

Last update 25.11.2017 19:07:20, Creator/Last Upload: IA Jesús Mena

Player overview for AZE

8GMRadjabov Teimour2741AZE½1½0½011½532764102,60

Results of the last round for AZE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMRadjabov Teimour2741 ½ - ½ GMRapport Richard2692

Player details for AZE

GM Radjabov Teimour 2741 AZE Rp:2764 Pts. 5
117GMRiazantsev Alexander2651RUS3,5w ½10-1,20
213GMVallejo Pons Francisco2705ESP4s 1104,50
36GMGiri Anish2762NED4w ½100,30
43GMNakamura Hikaru2780USA5s 010-4,50
59GMHarikrishna P.2738IND5w ½100,00
614GMTomashevsky Evgeny2702RUS5s 010-5,50
77GMLi Chao B2741CHN4w 1105,00
811GMGelfand Boris2719ISR3s 1104,70
915GMRapport Richard2692HUN5w ½10-0,70