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12th Fiji Day Open Chess Championship - Intermediate

Posledná aktualizácia 10.10.2017 11:53:45, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Bale RyanFIJ0$10
2Bhavsar Milind11401761FIJ0$10
3Chand PritFIJ0$10
4Chand ShivneelFIJ0$10
5Macalinao GlenFIJ0$10
6Naicker Parmesh11401800FIJ0$10
7Narayan ShonamFIJ0$10
8Niazi Liaquat11401745FIJ0$10
9Prasad Mahir11400706FIJ0$5
10Prasad RahilFIJ0$10
11Raj VijaytaFIJ0$10
12Rameka TomasiFIJ0$10
13Rao Kirti11401842FIJ0$10
14Tepai HeartlyFIJ0
15Waqavakatoga William11401885FIJ0$10