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25th F W De Verteuil Memorial

Last update 17.11.2017 11:45:46, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 2)

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Starting rank list

1FMHarper Ryan7700156TTO2209
2FMJohnson Joshua7700768TTO2164
3FMMerritt Mario7700148TTO2156
4FMJoseph Marcus7700393TTO2148
5FMWinter Atwell Adrian7700750TTO2148
6FMCupid Kevin7700512TTO2147
7CMSingh Ravishen7700199TTO2032
8Gordon Anderson7701705TTO2029
9Cobham Marcus7700989TTO2019
10CMRamos Caldera Cesar3901513VEN2010
11CMSoondarsingh Dev7700954TTO1922
12WIMJohnson Gabriella7701128TTO1899
13Knight Colin7700695TTO1891
14Jones David7700075TTO1890
15CMSears Frank7700121TTO1874
16Lee Hayden7700350TTO1863
17CMLee Cecil7700164TTO1856
18Lee Courtney7703228TTO1854
19Bowles Andrew7700237TTO1851
20Thomas Rickson7704135TTO1801
21Ramdath Simon7702515TTO1794
22Flower Trevor7701470TTO1690
23Hunte Keelan7703210TTO1658
24Singh Carlyle7700733TTO1643
25Soverall Peter7702876TTO1620
26Wiltshire Louis7701098TTO1596
27Primus Prince7700725TTO1580
28Jacobs Carl7700679TTO1576
29Inkim Matthew7703112TTO1527
30Valentine Bryan7701721TTO1452
31Superville Arthur7703236TTO1429
32Rambally Eon7703929TTO1293
33Gaspard MarlonTTO0