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Coupe du Cameroun De Jeu d'Echecs 2017

Last update 27.09.2017 20:30:13, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1FMEbosse VictorCMR2123
2Alvin LeoFR2023
3IMAmba MariusCMR1992
4CMMakem PierreCMR1978
5Grilmaier PhilippeBEL1906
6Mbusnoum HenriCMR1890
7Ebongue EmileCMR1843
8Zebaze Dongmo DylaneCMR1831
9Eloundou Banack HervéCMR1828
10Noutchegueme Alain-DidierCMR1817
11Minali EricCMR1787
12Metunot BleriotCMR1768
13Woambia ErnestCMR1731
14Tchouli FredericCMR1720
15Anguissa ArsèneCMR1703
16Belinga JosephCMR1635
17Teguia SylvianeCMR1630
18Djatche BertinCMR1610
19Nga Tsimi ArianeCMR1580
20Fapom RogerCMR0
21Fopa Kuete GabinCMR0
22Fouda PaulCMR0
23Gnounewou SeraphinCMR0
24Makon BriceCMR0
25Mandeng JacquesCMR0
26Nana Fondja Brice PatrickCMR0
27Ngaba FabriceCMR0
28Ngwa CedricCMR0
29Tchokomakoua GillesCMR0
30Tchuenbou MichaëlCMR0