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29th Brijlal Open Chess Championship - Intermediate

Last update 24.09.2017 08:42:03, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Albert IsaacFIJ0
2Bhavsar MilindFIJ0
3Chand AbishekFIJ0
4Heartly TepaiFIJ0
5Maisura ShyamFIJ0
6Naicker ParmeshFIJ0
7Naidu AkshayFIJ0
8Nand Avindra11401524FIJ0
9Raicebe MacanawaiFIJ0
10Rameka TomasiFIJ0
11Rao KirtiFIJ0
12Sharma ShyamalFIJ0
13Shiuram VivekFIJ0
14Singh JessicaFIJ0
15Waqavakatoga WilliamFIJ0