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Last update 01.10.2017 19:58:42, Creator: aeliens,Last Upload: englishchessfederation

Player overview for HUN

10GMAlmasi Zoltan2707HUN½1½0110½04,569253710-17,60Masters
17GMLeko Peter2679HUN1½½1½½½1½614264610-3,50Masters
19GMRapport Richard2675HUN½½111½½1½6,5102732106,00Masters
123IMRudolf Anna2286HUN01½110½0½4,59524662038,80Masters
124Balint Vilmos2281HUN000111½104,59623832018,80Masters

Results of the last round for HUN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMRapport Richard26756 ½ - ½6 GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2702
GMLenderman Aleksandr2565 ½ - ½ GMLeko Peter2679
IMBrown Michael William2499 1 - 0 GMAlmasi Zoltan2707
IMPraggnanandhaa R2500 1 - 0 Balint Vilmos2281
IMRudolf Anna22864 ½ - ½4 IMGaponenko Inna2437

Player details for HUN

GM Almasi Zoltan 2707 HUN Rp:2537 Pts. 4,5
134GML'ami Erwin2611NED6w ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
267GMSalomon Johan2476NOR4,5s 10,790,21102,10
359IMLampert Jonas2514GER5w ½0,75-0,2510-2,50
447GMPichot Alan2565ARG5,5s 00,69-0,6910-6,90
581IMGaponenko Inna2437UKR4,5w 10,830,17101,70
638GMHuschenbeth Niclas2596GER5,5s 10,650,35103,50
737GMBindrich Falko2598GER6w 00,65-0,6510-6,50
8-not paired- --- ½
962IMBrown Michael William2499USA5,5s 00,77-0,7710-7,70
GM Leko Peter 2679 HUN Rp:2646 Pts. 6
193IMCornette Deimante2404LTU5,5s 10,830,17101,70
272IMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian2457NOR4,5w ½0,78-0,2810-2,80
365GMKhmelniker Ilya2480ISR4,5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
464GMPanchanathan Magesh Chandran2481IND4,5w 10,760,24102,40
541GMTari Aryan2588NOR5,5s ½0,62-0,1210-1,20
643GMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.2573IND5,5w ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
744GMTimman Jan H2573NED4,5s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
847GMPichot Alan2565ARG5,5w 10,660,34103,40
946GMLenderman Aleksandr2565USA6s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
GM Rapport Richard 2675 HUN Rp:2732 Pts. 6,5
144GMTimman Jan H2573NED4,5s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
273IMKjartansson Gudmundur2456ISL3,5w ½0,78-0,2810-2,80
393IMCornette Deimante2404LTU5,5s 10,830,17101,70
465GMKhmelniker Ilya2480ISR4,5w 10,750,25102,50
547GMPichot Alan2565ARG5,5s 10,650,35103,50
6-not paired- --- ½
755GMSwapnil S. Dhopade2532IND6,5w ½0,69-0,1910-1,90
835GMSokolov Ivan2603NED5s 10,600,40104,00
912GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi2702IND6,5w ½0,460,04100,40
IM Rudolf Anna 2286 HUN Rp:2466 Pts. 4,5
118GMKasimdzhanov Rustam2676UZB6s 00,09-0,0920-1,80
2158Acosta Mariano1988USA2,5w 10,850,15203,00
384GMSundararajan Kidambi2426IND4s ½0,310,19203,80
479IMYankelevich Lev2443GER4,5w 10,290,712014,20
556GMHarika Dronavalli2528IND5s 10,200,802016,00
623GMJones Gawain C B2668ENG5,5w 00,09-0,0920-1,80
753GMVishnu Prasanna. V2543IND5w ½0,180,32206,40
863IMNihal Sarin2483IND5s 00,25-0,2520-5,00
981IMGaponenko Inna2437UKR4,5w ½0,300,20204,00
Balint Vilmos 2281 HUN Rp:2383 Pts. 4,5
142GMJu Wenjun2574CHN5s 00,15-0,1520-3,00
22GMKramnik Vladimir2803RUS6,5s 00,08-0,0820-1,60
3137Birkisson Bardur Orn2164ISL3w 00,66-0,6620-13,20
4159Dahl Baard1974ENG3,5s 10,860,14202,80
5143Kavinda Akila2099SRI3,5w 10,740,26205,20
673IMKjartansson Gudmundur2456ISL3,5w 10,270,732014,60
776GMNeelotpal Das2448IND4,5s ½0,280,22204,40
883IMTrent Lawrence2427ENG4,5w 10,300,702014,00
961IMPraggnanandhaa R2500IND5,5s 00,22-0,2220-4,40