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Torneo Departamental Sub 20 IRT Absoluto Antioquia

Last update 15.02.2010 00:37:26, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1IMArenas DavidANT2311Caballoe6
2Sanchez Maya SimonANT2179Caballoe6
3WIMChirivi C Jenny AstridANT2173Paul Keres
4WFMSalazar Aura CristinaANT2125Envigado
5Escobar Medina Andres FANT2067Itagui
6Hurtado FelipeANT2064Paul Keres
7WFMCastrillon Gomez MelissaANT2055Envigado
8Blandon Villa Diego FANT2040Envigado
9FMPosada Juan ManuelANT2008
10Blandon Luis GuillermoANT2006Envigado
11Diaz Arboleda DanielANT1986Envigado
12Reyes Rios Juan CamiloANT1986
13Zapata Arbelaes EstivenANT1976Itagui
14Nino Juan CamiloANT1959Caballoe6
15Chirivi Angie LizethANT1939Paul Keres
16Carvajal Montoya Juan CamiloANT1936Paul Keres
17Granada AngieANT1916Envigado
18Duran Fabian AlbertoSAN1867
19Ferreira Morales Jorge LuisANT1799Envigado
20Perdomo JeffersonANT1858 Itagui
21Cardona Juan FernandoANT1735 Itagui
22Saldarriga Quintero MauricioANT1600
23Ferreira Mayra AlejandraANT1481
24Gomez Baron NicolasANT0