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Memorial sub-18 José Ma Bellón 2017 (167228)

Last update 03.09.2017 19:49:19, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 158)

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Starting rank

1Cisneros Serra Javier32066040ESP1662
2Trave De Gonzalo Guiem24538264ESP1408
3Canyelles Sureda Joan24516813ESP1372
4Garcia Adell Ivan24515639ESP1308
5Altarriba Sampedro Lorien24510068ESP1305
6Ruiz Ruiz Francisco54529573ESP1287
7Santandreu Tost Josep32052120ESP1287
8Nieto Foresti Sofia54509980ESP1201
9Payeras Vilella Pedro24560219ESP1198
10Sureda Gonzalez Cristina24560960ESP1185
11Juan Lepp Jaime Boris24595985ESP1172
12Nieto Foresti Julian54509971ESP1135
13Cisneros Serra Jaume24510122ESP1129
14Garcia Feore Daniel James54543053ESP0
15Garcia Feore MonicaESP0
16Tomas Viver Antoni24555363ESP0