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First Aftab Cup Open International ChessTournament 2017

Last update 04.09.2017 11:07:58, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kamran Maddani (Ostan Markazi)

Player overview for RUS

2GMSavchenko Boris2602RUS111101½½½6,56104,40
45Soboleva Anastasia1864RUS10½½½11015,535206,80

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMBosiocic MarinCRO26237 ½ - ½6 GMSavchenko BorisRUS2602
Soboleva AnastasiaRUS1864 1 - 0 FMAli Ghazi Al-SaadiIRQ2027

Player details for RUS

GM Savchenko Boris 2602 RUS Rp:2540 Pts. 6,5
163Darini Iliya1633IRI4,5s 10,11101,10
233FMMoazaz Dhahir Habeeb2073IRQ4,5w 10,11101,10
316Bagheri Maziar2313IRI6s 10,16101,60
49IMFirouzja Alireza2517IRI6,5w 10,38103,80
55GMKorneev Oleg2566ESP7s 0-0,5510-5,50
63GMMaghsoodloo Parham2590IRI6,5w 10,48104,80
710GMKotanjian Tigran2510ARM6,5s ½-0,1310-1,30
87GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2540IRI7w ½-0,0910-0,90
91GMBosiocic Marin2623CRO7,5s ½0,03100,30
Soboleva Anastasia 1864 RUS Rp:1794 Pts. 5,5
1108Poolab Hossein0IRI3w 1
215FMBolourchifard Farzad2314IRI6s 0-0,1120-2,20
376Ghalenoei Amirhossein1532IRI3,5w ½-0,3820-7,60
466Khoshkalam Seyed Mahan1616IRI5s ½-0,3120-6,20
568Karami Salar1604IRI4w ½-0,3220-6,40
6114Sedghi Mahsa0IRI3,5s 1
726IMMohandesi Shahin2180IRI5w 10,872017,40
827Pilvaieh Ali2152IRI6,5s 0-0,1620-3,20
938FMAli Ghazi Al-Saadi2027IRQ4,5w 10,722014,40