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First Aftab Cup Open International ChessTournament 2017

Last update 04.09.2017 11:07:58, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kamran Maddani (Ostan Markazi)

Player overview for ESP

5GMKorneev Oleg2566ESP11111½½½½72109,50

Results of the last round for ESP

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMKorneev OlegESP2566 ½ - ½ IMMousavi Seyed KhalilIRI2436

Player details for ESP

GM Korneev Oleg 2566 ESP Rp:2559 Pts. 7
166Khoshkalam Seyed Mahan1616IRI5w 10,11101,10
236Esmaeilnejad Mohammad Amin2038IRI5,5s 10,11101,10
319IMHeydarli Kanan2267AZE5w 10,15101,50
413IMAsgarizadeh Ahmad2423IRI6s 10,31103,10
52GMSavchenko Boris2602RUS6,5w 10,55105,50
61GMBosiocic Marin2623CRO7,5w ½0,08100,80
77GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2540IRI7s ½-0,0410-0,40
810GMKotanjian Tigran2510ARM6,5w ½-0,0810-0,80
912IMMousavi Seyed Khalil2436IRI7w ½-0,1810-1,80