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Torneo IRT Ajedrecistas De Venezuela Homenaje al MN Luis Zowain

Last update 21.08.2017 18:27:27, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.16)

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Starting rank list

1Perdomo Arvelaez David3906647VEN2083
2Huerta Escobar Bruce3903966VEN2066
3Salas Munoz Paulino Jose3912787VEN2040
4FMBenavides Montenegro Maicol3920313VEN2000
5Salazar Olchowski Gabriel Ant3920747VEN1971
6WFMHerrera Sosa Jessica3900479VEN1928
7Camargo Picon Josue Fernando3921824VEN1928
8Martinez Corrales Jeison Dani3920712VEN1792
9Hernandez Rangel Kelly Jose3945421VEN1760
10Villalobos Carrillo Gabriel A3950760VEN1739
11Hugo Borra Jacques Fabrixio3937143VEN1594
12Manaure Medina Mariangeles3908666VEN1559
13Hernandez Castillo Andry Jesu3937100VEN1485
14Jaramillo Lopez Ali Aaron3943275VEN1430
15Gonzalez Martinez Jose3931439VEN1375
16Mora Martinez Gabriel Gustavo3937089VEN1278
17Camargo Picon Mariangel3933598VEN1219
18Alvarez Romero Luis Enrique3946533VEN1141
19Bello Diaz Juan Jose3909069VEN0
20Blanco Perez Wilmer Jose3919064VEN0
21Bordones Monroy Giovanni AndresVEN0
22Carmona Carrillo Carlos Rafae54541603ESP0
23Garcia Zurita Adrian ArturoVEN0
24Kiko Fahhan Simon AntonioVEN0
25Lucero Rodriguez Hector Luis3913295VEN0
26Mayaudon Aponte Carlos Enriqu3950778VEN0
27Montenegro Velasquez Carlos AlbertoVEN0
28Pacheco Gutierrez Johnny Rafa3956172VEN0