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European Union Youth Championship - U8

Last update 27.08.2017 11:27:37, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 34

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Starting rank list

1Strapec LukasSVK1352
2Grabs PeterGER1317
3Tokarcik JanSVK1271
4Pasti ZsomborHUN1243
5Anghel Teodor-AndreiROU1213
6Warchol KamilPOL1207
7Butolo Alexandru-MirceaROU1200
8Sosovickova MartinaSVK1170w
9Taus ZdenekCZE1162
10Tichy TomasCZE1125
11Novomeska KarinSVK1080w
12Fezova IvaBUL1011w
13Berkova AgataSVK0w
14Buchtova ViktorieCZE0w
15Harlamovs DaniilsLAT0
16Klaska Philipp LeonGER0
17Melnikov IvanCZE0
18Pritulina NadezhdaEST0w
19Sevcik OndrejSVK0
20Stepanjan Tatevik MiaGER0w
21Szczotka BrunoPOL0
22Velagapudi VihanFIN0