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European Individual Chess Championship 2018

Last update 28.03.2018 16:49:16, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

Player overview for SLO

23GMLenic Luka2662SLO1½½½½011½½½6,578259510-9,20
97GMSkoberne Jure2563SLO111½010½0016952601106,40
113GMBeliavsky Alexander G2537SLO1½½0½1½½½0161042547102,50

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBrkic Ante25906 ½ - ½6 GMLenic Luka2662
FMTorosyan Norayr23715 0 - 15 GMSkoberne Jure2563
GMBeliavsky Alexander G25375 1 - 05 FMBlohberger Felix2409

Player details for SLO

GM Lenic Luka 2662 SLO Rp:2595 Pts. 6,5
1174FMZarubitski Viachaslau2425BLR5,5s 1102,00
2112GMStupak Kirill2541BLR6,5w ½10-1,60
3100GMMoroni Luca Jr2559ITA6,5s ½10-1,40
4110GMBoruchovsky Avital2542ISR6,5w ½10-1,60
5120IMRepka Christopher2524SVK5,5s ½10-1,90
6122GMKelires Andreas2523GRE5,5w 010-6,90
7164IMDraskovic Luka2447MNE5s 1102,30
8124IMKriebel Tadeas2520CZE5w 1103,10
988IMVavulin Maksim2583RUS6s ½10-1,10
1090FMEsipenko Andrey2581RUS7w ½10-1,10
1178GMBrkic Ante2590CRO6,5s ½10-1,00
GM Skoberne Jure 2563 SLO Rp:2601 Pts. 6
1249Gokhvat Peter2248ISR4s 1101,40
210GMCheparinov Ivan2693FID7,5w 1106,80
334GMMcShane Luke J2647ENG8s 1106,20
453GMVocaturo Daniele2620ITA6,5s ½100,80
551GMBok Benjamin2622NED7,5w 010-4,20
644GMOnischuk Vladimir2632UKR7w 1106,00
727GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2655RUS5,5s 010-3,70
848GMLupulescu Constantin2627ROU6,5w ½100,90
942GMFridman Daniel2637GER7,5s 010-4,00
10158IMLobanov Sergei2468RUS6,5w 010-6,30
11206FMTorosyan Norayr2371ARM5s 1102,50
GM Beliavsky Alexander G 2537 SLO Rp:2547 Pts. 6
1265Qalagashvili Pridon2153GEO4,5s 1101,10
226GMSaric Ivan2657CRO8,5w ½101,60
336GMGuseinov Gadir2646AZE7,5s ½101,50
434GMMcShane Luke J2647ENG8w 010-3,50
5185FMCan Isik2413TUR5s ½10-1,70
6183IMSchnider Gert2414AUT5w 1103,30
724GMMoiseenko Alexander2659UKR4s ½101,70
8225Oboladze Luka2318GEO6w ½10-2,80
925GMSutovsky Emil2659ISR6w ½101,70
1037GMKrasenkow Michal2644POL6s 010-3,50
11189FMBlohberger Felix2409AUT5w 1103,30