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11th European Individual Chess Championship

Last update 03.04.2010 01:35:08, Creator: Mr. Sulejman Islamovic,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for IRL

363Hayes Peter J2046IRL0½½001001003378202125-17,25MEN

Results of the last round for IRL

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Hayes Peter JIRL20463 0 - 13 Lekic LazarMNE1849

Player details for IRL

Hayes Peter J 2046 IRL Rp:2021 Pts. 3
1159GMSzabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula2525ROU7w 00,08-0,0825-2,00
2269FMPlatzgummer Fabian2383AUT4,5s ½0,120,38259,50
3249IMRukavina Josip2409CRO5w ½0,100,402510,00
4298FMZelic Mladen2306CRO5,5s 00,18-0,1825-4,50
5309FMDimitrijevic Darko2272CRO6w 00,21-0,2125-5,25
6393Mateta Marin1718CRO3s 10,870,13253,25
7314FMBach Adrian-Kalman2251ROU5,5w 00,24-0,2425-6,00
8286FMSchiendorfer Emanuel2340SUI5s 00,15-0,1525-3,75
9387Gandolfi Gianfranco1855ITA2,5w 10,750,25256,25
10316Bente Bjoern2245GER4,5s 00,24-0,2425-6,00
11388Lekic Lazar1849MNE4w 00,75-0,7525-18,75