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11th European Individual Chess Championship

Last update 03.04.2010 01:35:08, Creator: Mr. Sulejman Islamovic,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for ENG

7GMAdams Michael2704ENG11½1½½½½½01744269110-1,80MEN
80GMHowell David W L2612ENG110½1½10½117,5382642105,10MEN
207GMArkell Keith C2474ENG01101001½½16164241710-8,00MEN

Results of the last round for ENG

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMGelashvili TamazGEO2621 0 - 1 GMHowell David W LENG2612
GMAdams MichaelENG27046 1 - 06 GMZhigalko AndreyBLR2587
GMArkell Keith CENG24745 1 - 05 FMBoehnisch ManfredGER2316

Player details for ENG

GM Adams Michael 2704 ENG Rp:2691 Pts. 7
1209IMShytaj Luca2472ITA5,5s 10,790,21102,10
2126GMJankovic Alojzije2569CRO6,5w 10,680,32103,20
389GMPotkin Vladimir2606RUS7,5s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
4174IMMartinovic Sasa2509CRO6w 10,750,25102,50
571GMIordachescu Viorel2621MDA6s ½0,61-0,1110-1,10
651GMSokolov Ivan2638BIH7,5w ½0,59-0,0910-0,90
762GMMacieja Bartlomiej2625POL7w ½0,61-0,1110-1,10
873GMMarkus Robert2618SRB6,5s ½0,62-0,1210-1,20
975GMEdouard Romain2617FRA7w ½0,62-0,1210-1,20
1076GMKhairullin Ildar2617RUS7s 00,62-0,6210-6,20
11105GMZhigalko Andrey2587BLR6w 10,660,34103,40
GM Howell David W L 2612 ENG Rp:2642 Pts. 7,5
1284IMMorchiashvili Bachana2345GEO5,5w 10,820,18101,80
2173GMDjukic Nikola2509MNE5,5s 10,640,36103,60
3175IMSkoberne Jure2509SLO6w 00,64-0,6410-6,40
4198GMMrva Martin2485SVK5s ½0,67-0,1710-1,70
5200GMSaric Ante2483CRO6w 10,670,33103,30
6199Nabaty Tamir2485ISR4,5s ½0,67-0,1710-1,70
7218IMWomacka Mathias2452GER5,5w 10,710,29102,90
819GMFressinet Laurent2670FRA7s 00,42-0,4210-4,20
9185IMHovhannisyan Robert2498ARM7,5w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
10150GMNeverov Valeriy2542UKR6,5s 10,600,40104,00
1170GMGelashvili Tamaz2621GEO6,5s 10,490,51105,10
GM Arkell Keith C 2474 ENG Rp:2417 Pts. 6
15GMVallejo Pons Francisco2708ESP7w 00,21-0,2110-2,10
2326Tate Alan2215SCO5s 10,820,18101,80
3310Cucancic Sinisa2271CRO5,5w 10,760,24102,40
487GMRodshtein Maxim2609ISR8s 00,32-0,3210-3,20
5298FMZelic Mladen2306CRO5,5w 10,720,28102,80
695GMRomanov Evgeny2600RUS6,5s 00,33-0,3310-3,30
7338Kadric Denis2171BIH5,5w 00,86-0,8610-8,60
8296IMMedancic Rikard2311CRO4,5s 10,720,28102,80
9300IMBakalarz Mietek2300LUX5w ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
10266IMKreisl Robert2389AUT6s ½0,62-0,1210-1,20
11294FMBoehnisch Manfred2316GER5w 10,710,29102,90