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Reykjavik Open 2010

Last update 03.03.2010 19:15:18, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Player overview for LAT

14GMMiezis Normunds2533LAT½1½1110½½612249910-0,40
59WFMNi Viktorija2162LAT0101001½14,555215215-3,45

Results of the last round for LAT

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
IMHarika Dronavalli ½ - ½ GMMiezis Normunds
WFMNi Viktorija 1 - 0 Ingvason Johann

Player details for LAT

GM Miezis Normunds 2533 LAT Rp:2499 Pts. 6
165WIMAndersson Christin2135SWE4s ½0,89-0,3910-3,90
275WFMJohnsen Sylvia2032NOR3,5w 10,890,11101,10
345FMJohannesson Ingvar Thor2330ISL5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
441Gretarsson Hjorvar Steinn2358ISL5w 10,730,27102,70
530WIMCori T Deysi2412PER5s 10,660,34103,40
632IMThorfinnsson Bragi2398ISL5,5w 10,680,32103,20
79GMStefansson Hannes2574ISL7s 00,44-0,4410-4,40
81GMBaklan Vladimir2654UKR6,5w ½0,340,16101,60
922IMHarika Dronavalli2471IND6s ½0,59-0,0910-0,90
WFM Ni Viktorija 2162 LAT Rp:2152 Pts. 4,5
18GMGupta Abhijeet2577IND7w 00,11-0,1115-1,65
287Jonsson Olafur Gisli1872ISL3,5s 10,840,16152,40
330WIMCori T Deysi2412PER5w 00,19-0,1915-2,85
481Brynjarsson Helgi1964ISL3s 10,760,24153,60
538IMAnsell Simon T2381ENG5,5w 00,22-0,2215-3,30
679Kleinert Juergen2004GER4s 00,71-0,7115-10,65
782Unnarsson Sverrir1958ISL3w 10,760,24153,60
872Flaata Alexander R2069NOR4s ½0,63-0,1315-1,95
966Ingvason Johann2132ISL3,5w 10,540,46156,90