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IRT Marista de Xadrez 2017

Darrera actualització13.08.2017 20:41:03, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Rànquing inicial

1MACIEL Diogo Alves2150450BRA1960
2FELIX Raimundo Nascimento2142899BRA1842
3VALCARCEL Victor Ignacio Santos2167638BRA1757
4TAIRA Erick Hideki2179300BRA1751
5NISHIZAWA Claudio2149010BRA1623
7FONTES Matheus Consolmagno2168030BRA1517
8TERRA Osmar Gasparine2192845BRA1508
9PASSOS Rafael Moreira22708707BRA1495
10TERRA Arthur Schneider2157381BRA1492
11SANTOS Saymon Silva2167611BRA1468
12ROMEO Henrique22730427BRA1440
13DE SIQUEIRA Luigy Lira22722734BRA1414
14DE REZENDE Fernando Alencar2198126BRA1389
15LORICCHIO Leticia Figueira22725113BRA1383
16AGUIAR Arthur Vinicius De Souza22711856BRA1381
17TUFENKJIAN Victor Piemonte22716351BRA1333
18TERRA Enzo Schneider2192853BRA1270
19VALCARCEL Marianne Barbosa22705376BRA1252
20ARAUJO Hercules Dos Santos2166321BRA0
21BIMBATO Amanda Ramos22716378BRA0
22CAETANO Dante Mousinho de Paula e SilvBRA0
23DE ABREU Bento Mendonca2192802BRA0
24DORNELES Luiz Eduardo FonsecaBRA0
25FERREIRA Anderson RodriguesBRA0
26KONRAD Maria Eduarda Cembranel2199866BRA0
27MELO Daniel Oliveira22708804BRA0
28NOGUEROL Davi Vinueza2192829BRA0
29REIS Helton Wanderson Da Silva2166313BRA0
30SOARES Daniel AlvarengaBRA0