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XV Festival de Ajedrez Centroamericano y del Caribe Panama 2017 Girls U-10

Last update 15.08.2017 18:39:29, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Starting rank list

1Diaz Cabarcas Maria Alejandra4453204COL1245
2Nunez Correcha Daniela4455975COL1167
3Ania Nahid Rosales Espinoza6604242PAN0
4Bengoa Feliciano Katsi3107450PUR0
5Boniface Ellie6605702PAN0
6Diaz Charpentier Ashly Valeri6513646CRC0
7Garcia Rivero Camila3525945CUB0
8Gomez Morales Fatima Sofia7303750GUA0
9Griffiths Laila7404212JAM0
10Lobo Jimenez Mariana6605516PAN0
11Lobo Jimenez Marielys6605508PAN0
12Londono Castillo Mya Victoria6604927PAN0
13Lopez Rocio6605443PAN0
14Morales FatimaGUA0
15Richards Jaya-Rene7402570JAM0
16Rivera Gandulla Isabella E.3106624PUR0
17Salazar Gould Kristy Valeria6511643CRC0
18Semana Ramirez Brenda6511651CRC0
19Serrano Herrera Daniela De An6107168NCA0
20Thompson Teriesha-Lee7403933JAM0
21Torres Ceballos Raquel6605389PAN0
22Valdes Boza Aliett3527280CUB0
23Watson Gabriella7402538JAM0