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43rd Lebanese Individual Chess Championship 2017 - Final Stage

Last update 02.08.2017 06:21:49, Creator/Last Upload: Lebanese Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2FMNajjar Ahmad5300100LBN2304
5FMKhairallah Faisal4628250LBN2273
4FMEl Jawich Amro5300380LBN2209
3FMKassis Antoine5300150LBN2137
6CMAbdulaziz Mahmoud5300401LBN2117
8FMSursock Sameer5300010LBN2101
10Moudallal Tarek5300630LBN2080
11Kaouri Mahdi5302803LBN2074
12Nassar Marwan5301343LBN2015
7Asmar Elie5301432LBN2009
1Sharbel Marwan5301629LBN1940
9Khairallah Ralph5302994LBN1762