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Mauerbacher Schülerweihnachtsturnier A 3.12.2005

Last update 04.12.2005 01:31:02, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Jansky PeterAUT1387Sk Mauerbach
2Thajer LukasAUT1386Datatechn.eichgr.-Pressb.
3Lamers TeresaAUT1221Sg Gablitz-Purkersdorf
4Machacek StefanAUT1200Sk Mauerbach
5Rozanov NikolaiAUT1200Sk Mauerbach
6Boehm MatthiasAUT0Sg Gablitz-Purkersdorf
7Cakipallavichini RogerAUT0Sk Mauerbach
8Cekolj BenediktAUT0Sk Mauerbach
9Höhenwarter KilianAUT0Eichgraben
10Kahls SebastianAUT0Sg Gablitz-Purkersdorf
11Kraus ChristophAUT0Sk Mauerbach
12Novotny JohannesAUT0Sg Gablitz-Purkersdorf
13Orlov AndreyAUT0SK Mauerbach
14Reininger StefanAUT0Sk Mauerbach
15Wilfnger ChristophAUT0Gablitz