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35 Open Internacional d'Andorra

Last update 01.08.2017 23:24:25, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

Player overview for RUS

2GMLANDA Konstantin2617RUS11½10½½015,523242435 Open Andorra

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
92073BERGSSON Stefan20605 0 - 1 GMLANDA Konstantin26172

Player details for RUS

GM LANDA Konstantin 2617 RUS Rp:2424 Pts. 5,5
175TAHAY Romain2052FRA3,5s 1
243ANDRE Gordon2259GER5w 1
323IMKASPI Alexander2435ISR7,5s ½
422IMBARBOT Pierre2453FRA5w 1
515GMRIFF Jean-Noel2493FRA6w 0
635IMAKSHAT Khamparia2342IND5,5s ½
736AKASH PC Iyer2300IND5,5w ½
832FMQUINTIN NAVARRO Alberto2380ESP5,5s 0
973BERGSSON Stefan2060ISL5s 1