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International Chess Day 2017 IM

Last update 25.07.2017 18:08:14, Creator/Last Upload: Drugov Pavel (Russia, Peterhof)

Starting rank list of players

8IMUsmanov Vasily4135741RUS2448
3Palchun Grigory24147338RUS2447
4FMSchekachikhin Maksim24177830RUS2375
7IMMischuk Dmitry14118734UKR2344
2FMTimerkhanov Alexander24177938RUS2319
10FMKiselev Pavel4191102RUS2318
9IMBajarani Ilgar13400223AZE2304
1FMAskerov Marat24175200RUS2301
5FMAfshari Mohammadreza12501263IRI2068
6Vitenberg Noam Aviv1532138NOR1903