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U12 15. European Union Youth Championship

Last update 10.08.2017 12:39:06, Creator/Last Upload: Jugendschach Steiermark

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Starting rank

1CMPetkov Momchil2921642BUL1944
2Raats Joppe238902BEL1782
3Kristoferitsch Daniel1642650AUT1743
4Bress Aaron12996432GER1727
5Stijve Niels1331124SUI1685
6Cwiek Ryszard21840920POL1682
7Tschopp Olivier1336770SUI1656
8Kralj Nika14616696SLO1651w
9Rejniak Zuzanna21848017POL1650w
10Raasch Hauke16210034GER1587
11Matasaru Stephanie1242040ROU1549w
12Putar Leon14546612CRO1500
13Nemegeer Arne250589BEL1470
14Weissenhofer Jonas12000183LIE1422
15Pernerstorfer Moritz1657615AUT1394
16Poluektova Arina44147350EST1388w
17Strohschneider Leon16211634GER1383
18Zogg Alexander12000191SUI1363
19Waligora Franciszek4005120LUX1352
20Ullrich Karol21818487POL1324
21Kalavala Nayana1804308WLS1300w
22Vanderstappen Louise243000BEL1293w
23Rozmanec Pia14627531SLO1279w
24Genchev Asparuh2927675BUL1271
25Aji Susanmaria2512246IRL0w
26Prihodova Petra23717254CZE0w