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National Chess Championship for the Dr Wong Yip Chong Cup - Challengers

Last update 17.01.2010 06:16:46, Creator/Last Upload: MUÑIZ PARDIÑO, Alberto

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Starting rank list

1Mooi Kok Onn Osric5800528SGP2013
2O'Reilly Steven3211118AUS1990
3WFMHo En Huei Danielle5802423SGP1859w
4Iskandar Bin Abdullah5802105SGP1832
5Neo Xiuwen Christabel5801494SGP1812w
6Jung Young Hoon13200194KOR1808
7Lim De Li Derek5800935SGP1804
8Lo Ying Ling Melissa5801001SGP1793w
9Sia Xin Jie Selina5801184SGP1765w
10Chua Xavier5801311SGP1728
11Lim De Dao Linson5800889SGP1714
12Yuan Wei Ting5802571SGP1688w
13WFMMonisha Raja Jawahar5802580SGP1599w
14Isaak Ethan Soh Hong Han5804191SGP0
15Limono Handjojo7102909INA0
16Tin Jinyao5804418SGP0