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Club de Ajedrez La Plata - Abierto de Invierno

Last update 14.07.2017 14:49:35, Creator/Last Upload: Club de Ajedrez La Plata

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Starting rank list

1Torres Sergio105740ARG1967
2Veliz Ariel139157ARG1877
3Gomez Borges Ruben Alfredo108324ARG1805
4Quispe Angelo156230ARG1804
5Boassi Leandro152633ARG1800
6Gardes Alfredo139360ARG1743
7AIMOchotorena Sergio142190ARG1690
8Ferreyra Gustavo138371ARG1680
9Defez Marcos Enrique142174ARG1667
10Coronel Nestor122572ARG1632
11Corda Marcelo138096ARG1579
12Scianda Mariano139149ARG1514
13Gardes Martin Santiago146935ARG1500
14Veliz Daira Isis161721ARG1257
15Asens Ezequiel165379ARG0
16Bayinay Juan SantiagoARG0
17Mouly Juan Cruz161713ARG0
18Zamorano NoraARG0