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Commonwealth Chess Championships 2017 Under-14 GIRLS

Last update 10.07.2017 10:36:49, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12WFMSalonika SainaIND2079602730
23WCMJyothsna LIND19645,5030,534,5
31WFMJishitha DIND21455029,532,5
47Bristy MukherjeeIND1652502730,5
54WFMLakshmi CIND1952502528
612Abhirami MadabushiIND15365023,525,5
79Arushi KotwalIND16354,5027,529
814Rindhiya VIND14854,5023,524,5
916Madhani ShilpeeIND14644,502324,5
108Dahampriya H K T DewnethmieSRI16414,5018,519,5
1110Jain NityataIND1591402729
1213Greeshma Anand DhumalIND15044026,528,5
1311Sudipa HaldarIND1562402627,5
145WFMBommini Mounika AkshayaIND17134025,528,5
1515Nanditha VIND1484402426
1620AIMVysetty SahithiIND13234023,525,5
1724Navya TayalIND12833,502324,5
1819Shreetu Bhavikbhai NandiIND13383,502021,5
1928Mistry Tinaz DinkooIND12433,501921
2021Shaw Laurie AnnRSA13173024,527
2125Swara Hetal ShahIND12763023,525,5
2217Shah JiyaIND13993022,524
2329Choksy AnaishaSRI1236302223
246Noshin AnjumBAN1675302022,5
2526Mahi Amit DoshiIND1268302021,5
2622Brugman KarlaRSA1295302021
2718Prachi BhartiIND1344301819
2827Anjitha KrishnakumarIND12532,502223,5
2934Arunika GhoshIND10962,5019,521,5
3032Goncalves Dias AmikaRSA11842,5019,521
3130Jonker KeolaRSA12142,5017,519
3223Booysen TinekeRSA12922,5015,517
3333Qangule Lithitha QhayiyaRSA11722020,522,5
3435Tharsika Prushotman-GMAS0201819
3531Brugman IlseRSA11961,5019,521

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)