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Commonwealth Chess Championships 2017 Under-12 OPEN

Last update 10.07.2017 10:32:35, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11CMRohith Krishna SIND21376,5027,530,5
24Adarsh TripathiIND18585,50,53033
32Sreeshwan MaralakshikariIND20015,50,52528
48Zia Tahsin TajwarBAN1781502528
515CMSilva Kevin RaniduSRI16834,5029,532
69Samip RoyIND17744,5027,530,5
76Pranesh MIND17944,502629
812Harshad SIND17494,502629
910Jain Kashish ManojIND17674,502528
1018Saypuri SrithanIND16574,5024,526
1111Manish Kumar (2006)IND17514,5022,524,5
1214Dhrupad KashyapIND17124025,528,5
1320Dikshant DashIND15544024,525
1419Hari R ChandranIND1587402426
157Mahitosh DeyIND17924023,525,5
1616AIMKalur NikhilIND16724022,525,5
1730Rohith SIND13834022,523
185Karthik Sai ChIND1835402023
1917Aditya Varun GampaIND1658402022
2028Mihir GodawatIND14033,502324,5
2113AIMPati SpandanIND17323027,530,5
2223Nikam SudhanshuIND1504302426
2321Srujan Keerthan SollettiIND1541302425,5
2422Piyumantha M Thisal ManjithSRI15363023,526,5
2526Aaditya DhingraIND1446302326
2625Bentharaarachchi Vinuga OmethSRI1447302324,5
2733Patel Suyogkumar MIND13303021,523,5
2827Pasricha JayanIND1413302123
2929Zala AksharIND13923020,522,5
3024Oosthuizen Michal JacobusRSA1449302021,5
3131Dhritabrata KunduIND1345302021,5
3234Garg ShivamIND1289301921
3335Marais Alwyn JohannesRSA12053017,519
3438Durvish KhuranaIND11273016,517
3536Subhranil MajumderIND11932,50,518,519
3640Hargreaves NicholasRSA02,50,515,516
3732Van Der Merwe AlexanderRSA13412021,523
3837Agrawal AryanIND11522017,519
3939Adalja SamarthIND11002017,518
4042Van Tonder RolandRSA0201719
413Manish Anto Cristiano FIND19181,502224,5
4241Jaideep KashyapIND01017,518,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)