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Commonwealth Chess Championships 2017 Under-12 (GIRLS)

Last update 10.07.2017 10:26:26, Creator/Last Upload: Delhi Chess Association

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11WFMDivya DeshmukhIND20456,5028,532
22Bhagyashree PatilIND16365,512730
34WCMDhyana PatelIND15985,5027,530,5
48Pavalachandran AshviniSRI13404,5026,529,5
513Mapa M M W HSRI12254,5026,529,5
66Sathwika NIND14114,5025,528,5
75Meenatchi Rajam VIND1486402931,5
89Vijayasubhasri SIND13404024,525,5
924Stuurman AlicheRSA0402325
1012Panda MiracleIND1275402225
113Jannatul FerdousBAN16213,5026,529,5
1211Choudki KhushiIND12863,502425
1318Rhythm SinghalIND10863,5019,520,5
1410Wickramasinghe ThesandiSRI13273,501920
157Ayantika DasIND13403025,527,5
1614Shah KriteeIND1204302122
1716AFMAdvaita Sharma KIND11783020,521,5
1815Yashasvi GuptaIND1200302021,5
1920Jain OmiIND10113019,520,5
2017Anchita SharmaIND11472,5020,522
2119Rachita SabbathiIND1060201718
2222De Beer Mignonne AletRSA01,501516
2323Du Plessis MareteRSA01116,517,5
2421WCMBrugman LisaRSA01018,519,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)