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National Chess League 2017

Darrera actualització25.09.2017 16:29:48, Creador/Darrera càrrega: ugandachess

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Classificació final després de 14 rondes

OrdreNúm. Ini.EquipPartides  +   =   -  Des1  Des2 
111Kireka Chess - Team A1413013956
227SOM Katwe1411213544
38DMARK Chess Club1411123451
412Kireka Chess - Team B149142843,5
52Bank of Uganda148332744,5
620Mulago Knights Chess149052742
713Lweza Chess148152536
810Gambit Chess Club146442238,5
91Aviation Chess Club147162238
1015Makindye Chess147162236,5
19Mulago Kings Chess147162236,5
1221Mulago Overs Chess147162234
1318MUBS Chess Club146352134,5
146Chess Warriors147072134
1517Mighty Bishops Chess147072133
1633Mulago Rooks Chess146262034,5
1716Mengo Chess Club146262034
1830SOM Nateete146262033,5
1914Makerere University146262033
2028SOM Kawempe146262032
2134Comrades Chess145451935
2229SOM Kibuli146081836
2335Kyambogo University136071832
244Busitema University Chess146081831
5Chess Dynasty146081831
269Jinja Knights Chess145271734
277Crestals Chess145181633,5
2826SOM Children's Team145091533,5
293Bunamwaya Chess Club145091530,5
3022Mulago Pawns145091523
3131UCU Knights CC144281428,5
3224Ndejje University134181325,5
3336Stands Chess Club124171320,5
3423Mulago Queens Chess1440101224
3532UCU Queens CC143011919,5
3625Royal Knights Chess14121156,5
3737Maisha Chess Club11101035

Desempat1: Matchpoints (3 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Desempat2: points (game-points)