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SK Bohemia Pardubice - vánoèní bleskový turnaj

Last update 28.12.2009 14:52:03, Creator/Last Upload: AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice CZE

Final Ranking after 21 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
19Petuchov SergejCZE2164Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.19190,5018
217Trasak OndrejCZE2051Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.16154,5016
37Navratil FrantisekCZE22402222 Sk Polabiny15130,5014
410Korol JiriCZE20942222 Sk Polabiny14,5136014
58Kraus OndrejCZE1888Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.14128,8011
622Mazuch JanCZE2016Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.14120,3012
715Diblik RudolfCZE195013,5119,3010
81Lausman PetrCZE2041Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.13,5118,5011
95Zelenka JaroslavCZE2001Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.13121010
1012Vodicka PavelCZE2056Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.12,5102,5011
1120Voboril PavelCZE2023Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.1186,509
1221Horacek MichalCZE2000Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.1184,8010
1318Outulny PavelCZE2146Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.8,57106
1414Juchelka PetrCZE1891Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.868,307
1513Urbanek JosefCZE1725Sk Bohemia Pardubice O.s.86507
1619Janko JanCZE1855Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.7,561,506
174Hon JiriCZE1933Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.7,557,804
1816Skroch MartinCZE18642222 Sk Polabiny7,556,304
192Zoubek DavidCZE1625Sk Rapid Pardubice, O.s.7,55305
2011Roub BohumilCZE18602222 Sk Polabiny6,559,306
216Krejci JanCZE15942222 Sk Polabiny2,512,302
223Kvapil PavelCZE15072222 Sk Polabiny0,53,800

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories