Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2017 Last update 16.08.2017 11:09:54, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 11)
Player info
Name | Patrascu Catalin-Lucian | Title | FM | Starting rank | 57 | Rating national | 0 | Rating international | 2231 | Performance rating | 2177 | FIDE rtg +/- | -4,2 | Points | 5 | Rank | 90 | Federation | ROU | Club/City | Csm Focsani 2007 | Ident-Number | 4410115 | Fide-ID | 1229052 | Year of birth | 1999 |
Rd. | Bo. | SNo | | Name | RtgI | RtgN | FED | Club/City | Pts. | Res. |
1 | 56 | 180 | II | Bobocea Laurentiu-Vlad | 1779 | 0 | ROU | Css Viitorul Cluj-Napoca | 4,5 | |
2 | 57 | 186 | CM | Covaci Stefan | 1739 | 0 | ROU | Ac De Sah Alfil Pitesti | 4 | |
3 | 43 | 132 | I | Ursente Tudor-Alexandru | 1941 | 0 | ROU | Cs Tinerii Maestri Bucuresti | 4,5 | |
4 | 37 | 118 | CM | Creanga Robert-Ionut | 2030 | 0 | ROU | Cs Universitar De Sah Bucurest | 4,5 | |
5 | 14 | 19 | GM | Abramovic Bosko | 2415 | 0 | SRB | SERBIA | 6 | |
6 | 23 | 35 | IM | Ardeleanu Alin | 2339 | 0 | ROU | Acs "petra-Sah" Satu Mare | 5,5 | |
7 | 16 | 14 | GM | Georgescu Tiberiu-Marian | 2470 | 0 | ROU | Clubul De Sah Al Municipiului | 6,5 | |
8 | 21 | 21 | GM | Sanduleac Vasile | 2403 | 0 | MDA | MOLDOVA | 6 | |
9 | 43 | 101 | WIM | Marin Irina-Luiza | 2090 | 0 | ROU | Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest | 5 | |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.