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Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2017

Last update 16.08.2017 11:09:54, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 11)

Player overview for UKR

1GMZubov Alexander26140UKR11½11½1½17,51Arad Open
106WFMZubova Mariya20670UKR11½00½1½15,557Arad Open

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMZubov Alexander2614 1 - 0 GMDamljanovic Branko2541
FMChereches Marius-Cristian2241 0 - 1 WFMZubova Mariya2067

Player details for UKR

GM Zubov Alexander 2614 UKR Rp:2665 Pts. 7,5
1121ITurlea Constantin20150ROU5,5s 1
265Podetti Davide21910ITA5w 1
326CMToma Radu-Cristian23770ROU5,5s ½
436FMVrencian Lehel23360ROU6w 1
513GMKovacevic Aleksandar24810SRB7w 1
67GMAntal Gergely25210HUN6,5s ½
715IMVedmediuc Serghei24590MDA6w 1
82GMIstratescu Andrei26040ROU7s ½
95GMDamljanovic Branko25410SRB6,5w 1
WFM Zubova Mariya 2067 UKR Rp:2188 Pts. 5,5
1232IIPatrascu-Baba Dan-Ciprian13610ROU0s 1
240FMPop Alexandru23000ROU6w 1
325CMDavid Alexandru-Vasile23900ROU7w ½
412IMMiron Lucian-Costin24950ROU6,5s 0
556CMStoleriu George22330ROU6,5w 0
6156CMAnghel Iulian-Mihai18530ROU4,5s ½
7166ISandru Nicolae18150ROU4,5s 1
844WIMTerbe Julianna22820HUN5,5w ½
955FMChereches Marius-Cristian22410HUN4,5s 1