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Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2017

Last update 16.08.2017 11:09:54, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 11)

Player overview for TUR

134Kansal Evrim19290TUR0111½½½½0580Arad Open
183Nailer Ali17630TUR½0½0110003200Arad Open

Results of the last round for TUR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
CMToma Radu-Cristian2377 1 - 05 Kansal Evrim1929
Nailer Ali17633 - - +3 IIMaruntis Patrik-Robert1482

Player details for TUR

Kansal Evrim 1929 TUR Rp:2254 Pts. 5
114GMGeorgescu Tiberiu-Marian24700ROU6,5s 0
2206CMSimion Nicolae15970ROU3w 1
365Podetti Davide21910ITA5s 1
471Szente Varga Fruzsina21730HUN4,5w 1
542FMStanciu Alexandru-Ovidiu22910ROU6s ½
640FMPop Alexandru23000ROU6w ½
753WGMSandu Mihaela22490ROU4,5s ½
850CMMartian Dragos-Daniel22550ROU5,5w ½
926CMToma Radu-Cristian23770ROU5,5s 0
Nailer Ali 1763 TUR Rp:1888 Pts. 3
160FMIleana George22050ROU5,5w ½
258Takacs Laszlo22290SVK6s 0
3122CMPop Marius-Vasile20040ROU4w ½
4127ICarasca Bogdan-Petru19790ROU4s 0
5217IITutuian Valentin15210ROU2w 1
6141NMCraciun Ovidiu18920ROU4,5s 1
7117IStejeroiu Vlad20340ROU5,5w 0
8133Fruehe Norbert19320GER4s 0
9225IIMaruntis Patrik-Robert14820ROU4- 0K