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SM-turnaus 2017

Last update 18.06.2017 20:45:38, Creator: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 35),Last Upload: Suomen Shakkiliitto

Starting rank list of players

5Ebeling Daniel505170FIN2520MatSK
1Karttunen Mika502081FIN2487TammerSh
3Sammalvuo Tapani501115FIN2474Velhot
2Agopov Mikael501840FIN2424Velhot
6Sipilä Vilka505455FIN2415TuTS
4Mäki-Uuro Miikka501344FIN2362MatSK
7Niemi Kalle504378FIN2333SalSK
8Virtanen Teemu509850FIN2204Aatos