XIX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 159826Last update 27.08.2017 19:05:06, Creator: Josep M. Jordan Garcia,Last Upload: Carlos Gimenez Cañadas
Player info
Name | GUAL PASCUAL Antonio | Title | IM | Starting rank | 54 | Rating national | 2395 | Rating international | 2404 | Performance rating | 2192 | FIDE rtg +/- | -20,1 | Points | 6,5 | Rank | 69 | Federation | CAT | Club/City | Cerdanyola Valles C.E. | Ident-Number | 347 | Fide-ID | 2200589 | Year of birth | 1963 |
Rd. | Bo. | SNo | | Name | RtgI | RtgN | Club/City | Pts. | Res. | PGN |
1 | 52 | 254 | | MARGARIDO Jose Miguel Teixeir | 2037 | 1972 | Profigaia Chess | 4,5 | | PGN |
2 | 115 | 299 | | DIRMEIER Carolin | 1968 | 0 | FC Bayern München | 4 | | |
3 | 67 | 222 | | JORDAN MARTINEZ David | 2095 | 2095 | Circulo Mercantil de Castellón | 4,5 | | |
4 | 45 | 161 | | LAUSTSEN Lars | 2204 | 0 | Sjælsø Skakklub | 5,5 | | PGN |
5 | 78 | 217 | MK | PORTA TOVAR Guillem | 2099 | 2104 | Colon Ateneu C.E. | 4,5 | | |
6 | 116 | 270 | | BURTON Graham P | 2011 | 0 | 3 CV | 4,5 | | |
7 | 115 | 336 | WCM | ROQUE SOLA Andrea | 1900 | 1928 | Agrupación Artística Aragonesa | 4 | | |
8 | 81 | 213 | | CARBALLO CANCELA Manuel | 2101 | 2081 | Club Xadrez Marín | 5 | | |
9 | 55 | 189 | | KUBICKI Marek | 2151 | 0 | AZS UMK Toruń | 5,5 | | |
10 | 37 | 129 | FM | PANTZAR Milton | 2256 | 0 | SK Team Viking | 5,5 | | |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.