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XIX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 159826

Last update 27.08.2017 19:05:06, Creator: Josep M. Jordan Garcia,Last Upload: Carlos Gimenez CaƱadas

Player overview for TUR

26GMFIRAT Burak24820110½½11½0½682Grup A
47IMERDOGDU Mert241501½111½0110721Grup A
212YAPAR Nedim210200011½01½105182Grup A
60ONEY Remel1829011½½½½100½5,565Grup B

Results of the last round for TUR

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
ONEY Remel5 ½ - ½5 CORNEJO VERA Danilo
IMERDOGDU Mert7 0 - 17 GMSCHROEDER Jan-Christian
PONCE CANO Adrian ½ - ½ GMFIRAT Burak
LAPICCIRELLA Daniele5 + - -5 YAPAR Nedim

Player details for TUR

ONEY Remel 1829 TUR Rp:1811 Pts. 5,5
1181ROMERO FUNIELES Rafael165716985w 1
2228LORENZO MARTINEZ Ruben149614764s 1
314AYZENBERG Alena191907w ½
44PULIDO LEON Manuel194419207,5s ½
524WALTER TRAVELLA German188818625s ½
616BLASCO CUSIDO Francesc191519355w ½
7158GARCIA PUNZANO Josep Lluis169517145s 1
895VALAREZZO RICARD Pedro178817567w 0
9145CASTRO QUIJANO Eduardo171517176s 0
10136CORNEJO VERA Danilo173016875,5w ½
GM FIRAT Burak 2482 TUR Rp:2338 Pts. 6
1225MKSANCHEZ LOPEZ Juan Manuel209020644w 1
2137FMGOMEZ JURADO Luis Alberto224622545s 1
3101FMKARTHIK Venkataraman231607,5w 0
4150FMJIMENEZ GARCIA Emmanuel221906s ½
5127FMIVANOV Mike226206w ½
6165HILL Alistair219205s 1
799FMMINGARRO CARCELLER Sergi231923086w 1
859IMSOULEIDIS Georgios239723996,5s ½
987FMLEMEAUX David233906,5w 0
10120PONCE CANO Adrian228122406s ½
IM ERDOGDU Mert 2415 TUR Rp:2533 Pts. 7
1246GRIEVE Harry205006s 1
2164GOMEZ DIEGUEZ David219921705,5w ½
3156VILLAR REYMUNDO Juan Antonio221521974,5s 1
4185PAQUICO RODRIGUEZ Ivan215621135w 1
513GMNOVIKOV Stanislav253807,5s 1
69GMGRIGORYAN Karen H.257007,5w ½
87GMDELCHEV Aleksander257726437w 1
917GMDOBROV Vladimir251006s 1
1012GMSCHROEDER Jan-Christian253908w 0
YAPAR Nedim 2102 TUR Rp:2030 Pts. 5
112GMSCHROEDER Jan-Christian253908w 0
2315VINALS RIOJA Jaume193819623,5s 0
3340MKSEVERRI ARRESE Carlos189018763,5w 1
4310CLARAMUNT BASSEGODA Marcel194917943,5s 1
5403SHOME Shiv005,5w ½
6124IMGONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ Jorge A.227422584,5s 0
7304NILSSON Lars Kjoller195703,5w 1
868FMBOTTA Gabriele237206s ½
9302MORAVICH Juan196119584w 1
10123LAPICCIRELLA Daniele227506- 0K