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XIX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 159826

Last update 27.08.2017 19:05:06, Creator: Josep M. Jordan Garcia,Last Upload: Carlos Gimenez CaƱadas

Player overview for BAN

102FMAHMED Sk. Nasir2311011001½½11½6,564Grup A

Results of the last round for BAN

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
IMCOLLINS Sam E.6 ½ - ½6 FMAHMED Sk. Nasir

Player details for BAN

FM AHMED Sk. Nasir 2311 BAN Rp:2265 Pts. 6,5
1304NILSSON Lars Kjoller195703,5w 1
2305PEREZ GARCIA Jose Miguel195619493,5s 1
335IMGOH Wei Ming Kevin244607w 0
4235RIVALIN Kenny207405s 0
5225MKSANCHEZ LOPEZ Juan Manuel209020644w 1
6193MEZA PONCE Jerry214406s ½
7189KUBICKI Marek215105,5w ½
8195BENET MORANT Damia214020765s 1
9191MKVALLS MARTI Artur214521076w 1
1037IMCOLLINS Sam E.244306,5s ½