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Spring Blitz SuperLeague_12th stage

Last update 31.05.2017 13:06:24, Creator/Last Upload: Alexander Beliakov

Starting rank list of players

9Smirnov Igor A.4157141RUS1943
2Kosulin Vladimir34117250RUS1835
7Novikov Kirill44153635RUS1742
3Lobanov Aleksandr34123927RUS1727
6Shubina Ekaterina34119601RUS1704
4Babichev Mikhail54159318RUS1659
1Gusev Viktor N.24282995RUS1639
5Kuzmichev Danila54174511RUS1510
11Volkov Vladislav Art.24216062RUS1353
12Baklykov Vyacheslav E.34245200RUS1233
8Tomashevsky Anatoliy54159466RUS0
10Semyanskikh Andrey N.24292001RUS0