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Huddersfield Open 2017

Last update 04.06.2017 17:48:50, Creator/Last Upload: Huddersfield Chess (Nigel Hepworth)

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Rank after Round 6

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtg TB1 
11Macklin PaulENG2235
25Padilla Cabero PabloENG2024,5
8Willow JonahENG1884,5
42Dong NghiaENG2104
6Shaw PeterENG2004
17Burke MitchellENG1754
713Newton RobertENG1783,5
24Hilton TimENG1643,5
93Jaunooby AliENG2083
7Surtees MikeENG1963
9Nicholson JimENG1873
14Garnett JohnENG1773
15Ter Gevorkian AramENG1763
16Webster RichardENG1763
1518Whitehead MarkENG1722,5
20Holroyd NigelENG1682,5
22Boswell JacobENG1672,5
26Livesey NigelENG1562,5
194Wall TimENG2032
10Broughton DanielENG1822
21Porter RichardENG1682
23Owen DennisENG1652
25Graham OliverENG1592
27Aguirre AntonioENG1402
28Hamilton SelwynENG1402
2612Ai FarshadENG1781,5
19Tamas SzilardENG1701,5
2811Keely LeoENG1791

Tie Break1: points (game-points)