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Campeonato Zonal ASCUN Cucuta 2017 Masculino del 25 al 27 de mayo de 2017

Last update 28.05.2017 02:26:55, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION VENEZOLANA DE AJEDREZ (Li.14)

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Starting rank list

1Arias Juan CarlosCOL1941Unipamplona
2Silva Torres JorgeCOL1842UFPS Ocaña
3Sepulveda Sepulveda Leidon LeonardoCOL1840UFPS Ocaña
4Tarazona Pita Duvan AlfonsoCOL1723UFPS Ocaña
5Perez Lozano Breiner CamiloCOL1500UFPS Ocaña
6Ariza Giraldo Raul AndresCOL0Simon Bolivar
7Becerra Vega AndresCOL0UFPS Cucuta
8Caballero Venegas Julio CesarCOL0Unipamplona
9Casique Moreno Fernando JoseCOL0Simon Bolivar
10Cruz Cacua Jhoan SebastianCOL0Simon Bolivar
11Diaz Quiñones Andres FelipeCOL0UFPS Ocaña
12Diaz Araque Cristian ManuelCOL0Unipamplona
13Gutierrez Guevara Gustavo GavinCOL0Unipamplona
14Herrera Alvarez Cristian AlexanderCOL0UFPS Cucuta
15Lopez Ospino Daimier JoseCOL0Unipamplona
16Mora Villamizar Pedro JoseCOL0UFPS Cucuta
17Ojeda Rodriguez Richard JesusCOL0Unipamplona
18Ortega Rios John JairoCOL0UFPS Cucuta
19Pantaleon LuisCOL0UFPS Cucuta
20Pinzón Carrillo Cesar ArmandoCOL0Unilibre
21Quintana Agudelo Henry ManuelCOL0UFPS Cucuta
22Quiñones Quiseno Jhonathan AlexanderCOL0Simon Bolivar
23Rincon Builes BrayanCOL0UFPS Cucuta
24Rivera Perez Omar AlejandroCOL0UFPS Cucuta
25Roa Jula Heimer EdilsonCOL0Unipamplona
26Rosas Arias Juan DavidCOL0Unipamplona
27Rueda Cardenas Diego AndresCOL0Simon Bolivar
28Rueda Reyes SergioCOL0UFPS Cucuta
29Sanchez Juan PabloCOL0Unipamplona
30Sierra Contreras Alden RonaldoCOL0UFPS Cucuta
31Torres Rosas Cefi JeferssonCOL0Unipamplona
32Usuga Arias Luis AngelCOL0UFPS Ocaña
33Vargas Rodriguez GuillermoCOL0UFPS Ocaña
34Velandia Rodriguez DanielCOL0UFPS Cucuta
35Villamizar Carrillo Juan MartinCOL0Simon Bolivar
36Villamizar Cristian CamiloCOL0UFPS Ocaña
37Zarate Chanaga Andres AlbertoCOL0Unilibre