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Macedonia Youth Championships 2017-U14

Darrera actualització14.06.2017 22:02:39, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

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Rànquing inicial

1Veljanoski Andrej15003604MKD1848U14
2Jordanov Mihail15004473MKD1730U14
3Velkovski Kristijan15003000MKD1679U14
4Vlahovic Velimir15003582MKD1532U14
5Eftovski Mateo15004910MKD1476U14
6Jordanov Nikola15004481MKD1339U14
7Ismaili Admirim15005941MKD1220U14
8Boneski Aleksandar15005968MKD1191U14
9Galeski Andrej15005330MKD1168U14
10Stojanoski Kliment15005925MKD0U14
11Tomanovski Dimitar15006867MKD0U14