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24th Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival - Masters Tournament

Last update 22.08.2017 12:34:44, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for EGY

2GMAmin Bassem2680EGY½11111½1½7,511013,60Masters
9GMAdly Ahmed2619EGY1½½11½10½611101,90Masters
49IMFawzy Adham2422EGY1½010½110543107,80Masters

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMShort Nigel D2688 ½ - ½7 GMAmin Bassem2680
IMFirouzja Alireza2517 ½ - ½ GMAdly Ahmed2619
GMGabuzyan Hovhannes25665 1 - 05 IMFawzy Adham2422

Player details for EGY

GM Amin Bassem 2680 EGY Rp:2797 Pts. 7,5
163CMGukesh D2365IND3s ½0,86-0,3610-3,60
293Kumar Gaurav2210IND4,5w 10,920,08100,80
335GMAryan Chopra2507IND6,5s 10,730,27102,70
423GMStupak Kirill2573BLR6w 10,650,35103,50
516GMIndjic Aleksandar2581SRB5s 10,640,36103,60
617GMPaichadze Luka2581GEO5,5w 10,640,36103,60
715GMPantsulaia Levan2585GEO5,5s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
88GMSalem A.R. Saleh2624UAE6,5w 10,580,42104,20
91GMShort Nigel D2688ENG7s ½0,490,01100,10
GM Adly Ahmed 2619 EGY Rp:2632 Pts. 6
170FMMedarde Santiago Luis Marcos2332ESP4,5w 10,840,16101,60
234IMGolubov Saveliy2512RUS5s ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
338IMNihal Sarin2485IND5,5w ½0,68-0,1810-1,80
447FMFernandez Borrego Pablo2427ESP4s 10,750,25102,50
528GMBatchuluun Tsegmed2555MGL6,5w 10,590,41104,10
640GMGagare Shardul2467IND5,5s ½0,70-0,2010-2,00
721GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2577ARM5,5w 10,560,44104,40
81GMShort Nigel D2688ENG7w 00,40-0,4010-4,00
933IMFirouzja Alireza2517IRI6s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
IM Fawzy Adham 2422 EGY Rp:2485 Pts. 5
1112Kavinda Akila2124SRI2,5s 10,850,15101,50
219GMKarthikeyan Murali2579IND6w ½0,290,21102,10
321GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2577ARM5,5s 00,29-0,2910-2,90
478Prieto Aranguren Alain2286ESP3,5w 10,680,32103,20
526GMWagner Dennis2563GER5,5s 00,31-0,3110-3,10
667FMMuradli Mahammad2357AZE5w ½0,59-0,0910-0,90
770FMMedarde Santiago Luis Marcos2332ESP4,5s 10,620,38103,80
813GMMaghsoodloo Parham2590IRI4,5w 10,280,72107,20
925GMGabuzyan Hovhannes2566ARM6s 00,31-0,3110-3,10